The Middleton Chamber Bogey Boogie Golf Outing is a premier golfing experience in Dane County. The popular annual event is held at Pleasant View Golf Course every July with over 300 golf enthusiasts taking part in 18 holes of golf. Each year provides lots of fun with games, hole contests, and networking! This year was no different, with a full cast of foursomes, great lunch, fun games put on by a number of the hole sponsors, delicious tacos in the evening, great networking throughout the day, and awarding of the beautiful trophy at the end fo the day!
Save the Date: 2023 Golf Outing - Wednesday, July 19 - Shotgun start at 10:00 AM. We fill up quickly, so be sure to register yourself or your team right away.
To learn more about the Chamber's Golf Outing, contact their Event & Program Manager
DISCLAIMER: These images were photographed for the Middleton Chamber of Commerce and are presented here for viewing by the general public. Crimson Sun Studios retains copyright ownership to all images and any use by outside parties without a license is strictly prohibited and is considered copyright infringement.
To inquire about usage and licensing for any images shared here, please email Kyle at: contact@crimsonsunstudios.com
2022 Bogey boogie golf outing
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